About Us
Hi :)
If you're reading this, you've found my site at its veeeery beginning stages.
There's a good chance you're a friend of mine, or a family member (hi mom!), but whoever you are, thank you for being here.
This is less of an "about us" page, and more of an "about me" page.
Well, my name is Erin, and ten years ago I saw picture of a friend in front of a waterfall and thought, hey, I'd like to go there.
This led to planning my first backpacking trip, filled with mishaps, but more than anything, a yearning for more.
I've been planning trips and exploring ever since.
I didn't have some alpinist uncle or a cross-country skiing mom, so this all began as completely wild territory for me.
I like to be prepared, and know what to expect (to an extent, nature and life will inevitably throw their curve balls). And so, I do a lot of research and planning.
And in doing all of this, I've learned how incredibly involved planning a backpacking trip is. With the concept being simple living, you'd think it'd be pretty straight forward. Well, yes and no.
This site is built for those like me, who want to know it all! To wrap their head around what it is they're trying to do, so they can move forward with confidence.
It's for those who might lack time or not know where to begin, but they just know that they want to experience something different. Something exciting and challenging, and to come out on the other side with stories to share.
Oh, and here's that waterfall and picture I got to take with it!